Knox County Mayoral Candidates Closing Remarks

The closing remarks were interesting, Anders appears to take a shot at Jacobs for not having been born here, is that anything Jacobs could control? Then there is a defense that we politicians are the only ones that can run a business. Really? Jacobs has been involved in one of the largest international entertainment businesses that I would venture to bet (if I were a betting man) is  larger than an $800 million dollar business. In addition, he owns an insurance and a separate real estate business.

When will politics stop attacking successful business people because they see the problems politicians have created and have a different approach to solving them. Didn’t America respond to that question in rejecting a lifetime politician for a successful businessman in November 2016?

Brad Anders

Glenn Jacobs

Bob Thomas

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1 Response

  1. Liberals are Insane says:

    This will be a race between Glenn and Brad. Brad didn’t do himself any favors here. Glenn is knocking on doors. He will be our next Mayor.